Episode 7: Mike, BDSM from a Switch’s Perspective

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In this episode Madeline interviewed Mike, a cisgender male who enjoys BDSM activities as a switch. They chatted about kinking safely and the do’s and don'ts in the sadist and masochist world. Mike spoke about personal stories and how he started with BDSM. 

Here are references that Mike recommends:


  • SM 101: A Realistic Introduction by Jay Wiseman — this one is a bit dry, but has lots of good info.

  • Screw the Roses, Send Me the Thorns by Philip Miller and Molly Devon — this one is more of a sexy read, shorter but still educational.


  • FetLife — sort of like Facebook for kinksters. Good place to find local groups, as well as discussion groups for about any topic of interest you can think of.


  • Torvea Toys — lots and lots of stuff available, and I know the owner. 

  • Mr. S Leather — bondage gear and apparel. Not cheap, but excellent quality. Definitely oriented toward gay men, but has stuff everyone can wear/use.


Episode 8: Lauren, Sexism in Online Gaming and Streaming


Episode 6: Brittany Deigh, Society’s Standard of Pretty and Pansexuality